"Insanity is doing the same things over and over,
and expecting different results."
Develope into your own Joker
"Insanity is doing the same things over and over,
and expecting different results."
Albert Einstein
Visionary Physicist JOKER
We will work together on your Challenges:
Running behind the results? Needing frictionless and smooth processes?
JOKER may help you with Value Stream Analytics, Solution Workshops and Project Execution:
Needing a 3rd experienced opinion? JOKER may help you as an executive Sounding Board for difficult decisions and mirror your perspective on
New in Business or Skaling-up already? JOKER may help you in
Not reaching the expected outcome? JOKER may help you with tailor made Trainings and Support in real Negotiation processes and situations:
Joint Success on a Razor’s Edge.
„Without Data you're just
another person with an
W. Edwards Deming
US JOKERPioneer in the field of quality management
Understanding of current status, restrictions and target vision are embedded into Analytics and Design:
J ointly discuss the here and now. Understand the limits.
O btain information on targets, impacts, roles, and strategies of other players.
K now your opportunities, prepare for the unforeseen.
E ngage with Strategy and Role design.
R oll-out Change Strategy and control agile as required.