"Networks give you better eyes, instead of better glasses."
Develope into your own Joker
"Networks give you better eyes, instead of better glasses."
Ronald Burt (University of Chicago)
Visionary Social Media JOKER
"Together with JOKER Ventures, we developed a new pricing strategy for long term contracts which
improved our market position substantially with high sales and profits while providing a fair risk share in our relationship to customers and suppliers.
We deeply recommend Thomas' senior advisorship."
Christoph Rößner
Chief Operations Officer (COO) & Co-Founder
Laserhub GmbH, Stuttgart
“ … I had the pleasure to be part of Thomas’ department …, supporting many cost savings initiatives and absorbing as much of his expert negotiation skills as possible.”
Catherine Amat Lykins
Procurement Manager
Morton Salt, Inc., Chicago
"I have known Thomas for many years and have witnessed his outstanding, inspiring leadership and digital knowledge,… he is a thought leader in his field, driven toward excellence and has many innovative ideas on how to make business more efficient through process improvements."
Jens Monsees
Chief Executive Officer (COO)
Infomedia Ltd., Sidney
Business Partnership
"Thomas continually worked internally with his business partners and externally with our suppliers to drive efficiencies and process improvements. Thomas is a great leader and drives success…"
Tim McKean
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Becker Logistics LCC, Chicago