"Insanity is doing the same things over and over,
and expecting different results."
Develope into your own Joker
"Insanity is doing the same things over and over,
and expecting different results."
Albert Einstein
Visionary Physicist JOKER
Supporting Your Business
Managers are preparing for the next step in their careers, young managers are taking on new roles and responsibilities: personnel, budget, vision and strategy.
- Executive Sounding Board
- Individual Coaching
- Team Coaching
In JOKER business coaching, the coachee takes the wheel.
SYSTEMICCoaching combined with Element of the JOKER Sounding Board Approach: Questioning motivations, effects and reactions of my coachee. To mirror, we switch the roles of team members, senior executives and other stakeholders. We discuss solutions and broaden the perspective for future decisions.
Starting points from the company's personnel development are integrated into the coaching.
Projects are necessary to set new goals and visions and to outline the path to achieving them. Many Elements affect the success of the project and often pose problems Projects an additional challenge for the parent organization. In many cases, projects have many similarities with a treasure hunt.
Getting the treasure is about dealing with ORGANIZATIONALStress: Due to their novelty, additional effort and need for change, projects induce stress in every organization. Stress is generally positive, but too much stress paralyzes an organization.
Key Notes may help starting a creative thinking process. In case you consider an innovative framework for a specialist conference or you are focussing on interactive workshops within your team or with customers, you may look for a professional EVENTModeration.
Beside lectures there are even more collaborative event formates available for creating an interactive discussion with your audience.
Formates like World Cafés, Solution Workshops, Challenge-you-peers events or Fish Bowls may generate benefitial input to your discussions.
Negotiations happen all the time and everywhere: at home, on the street and in business. Negotiations are important and successful negotiations increase the value of projects, purchasing processes, sales strategies and career developments. No area in the company can consist without successful NEGOTIONSkills.
Ideally, all negotiating partners are interested in a constructive solution. The goal is then to develop options that are beneficial for everyone. The probability of success is here significantly higher than if “positions are haggled”.
If not all negotiating partners are interested in finding a solution, the negotiation is purely about gaining and exercising NEGOTIATIONPower in order to achieve a result
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Joker#1 | Coaching | Coaching |
Joker#2 | Projects | Projekte |
Joker#3 | Events | Events |
Joker#4 | Negotiation | Verhandlung |