JOKER Business


Develope into your own Joker

"Insanity  is  doing  the  same  things  over  and  over,   

and  expecting  different  results." 

Albert Einstein

Visionary Physicist JOKER

4 JOKER Services

Supporting Your Business

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Joker#1 Coaching Coaching
Joker#2 Projects Projekte
Joker#3 Events Events
Joker#4 Negotiation Verhandlung



„Without Data you're just

another person with an Opinion

W. Edwards Deming

US JOKERPioneer in the field of quality management


Understanding of current status, restrictions and target vision are embedded into Analytics and Design:

  ointly discuss the here and now. Understand the limits.

 O btain information on targets, impacts, roles, and strategies of other players.

 K now your opportunities, prepare for the unforeseen.

 E ngage with Strategy and Role design.

 R oll-out Change Strategy and control agile as required.

Needing a JOKER ?

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