Develope into your own Joker

“They Laugh at ME, because I'm Different. 

I laugh at THEM, because THEY're all the same”

Heath Ledger

THE JOKER Visionary Actor


   Talk about doing something different than before, 

   changing patterns in solution design, and

   exceeding expectations.

JOKER-4-Unbalancing Scales

JOKERStory #1
Contracting: Negotiating an Index-based Pricing Model

Our client was ready to attack a new market segment, characterized by higher sales but also greater customer commitments. The danger consisted in an unbalanced risk exposure compared to sales potential.

Developing a pricing and contracting strategy to balance sales potential and risk exposure. Identifying best potential customers for the client (industry, sizes etc.). Building a standardized pricing sheet to give sales a "cafeteria" like pitching model. Establishing internal processes in contract management for index-based price monitoring and maintenance.

Developing a new strategy for long term contracts which significantly improved the Customer's market position substantially, with high sales and profits while providing a fair risk share in our relationship to customers and suppliers. 
Scale-Up (<100 employees, < 10 Years in market) 
Venture Capital receiver
B2B, Industry goods merchant, raw materials

JOKERStory #2 
Shopfloor Materials De-bottlenecking

Our project partner is challenged with a wonderful  situation: Growing market developments within the Construction Machine Market, which requires significantly increasing the materials handling capacitity. 

Unfortunately the existing shopfloor layout does not allow for the determined material handling capacity increases. For imidiate expansion, short term adjustments are required, long term plans need to be developed.

The Joker within this scenario is a small one: Compared to the overall challenges of the partner, our Joker consisted of an initial shopfloor analysis with Value Stream visualization and storage/commissioning process evaluation. Within a very short time we were able to show easy levers for debottlenecking on 30+ %. The next Joker would be preparing the Corporate Invest and Change Strategy - including rolling out digital solutions.
Global Player (> 3.000 employees, > 25 Years in market) 
Corporate Business Unit
B2B, semi-standardized, taylored, construction machines

Prof. Dr. Thomas Andreßen

Founder of JOKERVentures

"For me the JOKERSymbolizes an opening of your perspective in approaching and solving your challenges: Process, Commitment and Change"

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