"The Joker innovates your perspektive on the same problem: being bold, thinking big, building a JOKER."
Develope into your own Joker
"The Joker innovates your perspektive on the same problem: being bold, thinking big, building a JOKER."
Prof. Dr. Thomas Andreßen
Founder of JOKERVentures
"For me the JOKERSymbolizes the impact at the core of one's own understanding, the ability to change direction in general and to innovate one's perspective on problems and solutions"
Thomas Andreßen - Founder of JOKERVentures
Harbour Project
K+S Contruction Negotiation
Inagua Island, Bahamas (2016)
Mine Expo
K+S Heavy Equipment Negotiation
Las Vegas, U.S.A (2016)
Operations Excellence
K+S Maintenance Workstream
Magdeburg, Germany (2019)
Key Note
IOT World Conference
Berlin (2021)
Infrared Light AI Project
K+S Zielitz Mine
Magdeburg, Germany (2020)
Key Note
IDC - Future of Operations Summit
Remote (2022)
Value Stream Analysis
Komatsu Construction
Hannover, Germany (2023)
BME eSolution Days
Düsseldorf, Germany (2023)