

Think Big, Be Bold and

Build your JOKER

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 J ointly discuss the here and now. Understand the limits.

 O btain information on targets, impacts, roles, and strategies of other players.

 K now your opportunities, prepare for the unforeseen.

 E ngage with Strategy and Role design.

 R oll-out Change Strategy and control agile as required.



JOKERS are complex.

JOKERS often surprise your partners .

JOKERS should not be unfair tactics or overpowered strategy.

JOKERS need to be developed carefully, kept wisely and used with respect.


Joker comes from Joking (making fun) and reflects an essential aspect of modern Leadership. Leadership relies on Team Work!

JOKER in Leadership


Joker stands for the element of surprise, the novel twist, and the balancing element to decide a situation for yourself. 

JOKER as a Surprise


Jokers are crucial cards in games,  for connecting loose elements, increasing strength and advancing your power.

JOKER as an Advantage


 As Part of a Strategy a Joker is not a short cut to success, but rather an innovative path to  ultimately winning the game.

JOKER as a Venture

Weitere Informationen


Salvador Díaz

Der gebürtige Venezolaner ist nach seinem Studium nach Deutschland gekommen, um hier als Makler und Wohnungsvermittler zu arbeiten. Salvador besitzt ein angeborenes Talent zur Problemlösung, das ihm hilft, ganz direkt auf die Probleme seiner Kunden einzugehen.
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Annie Chao

Mit über zehn Jahren Erfahrung im Immobilienverkauf hat Annie genug Expertise, um für jeden unserer Kunden die richtigen Büroräume zu finden. Gerade unsere chinesischen Kunden freuen sich, von Annie in ihrer Muttersprache betreut zu werden.
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